var FFN = FFN || {}; FFN.MC = FFN.MC || {}; FFN.MC.banners = FFN.MC.banners || {}; FFN.MC.banners.fn = { js : function(jsFiles, charset){ jsFiles = jsFiles || []; var i, jsLen = jsFiles.length; function attachScript(f){ var tagName = 'script', doc = document, nScr = doc.createElement(tagName), cScr = doc.getElementsByTagName(tagName)[0]; nScr.type = 'text/javascript'; nScr.charset = charset; nScr.async = true; nScr.src = f; cScr.parentNode.insertBefore(nScr, cScr); } for(i = 0; i < jsLen; i += 1){ attachScript(jsFiles[i]); } } }; FFN.MC.banners.im_banner_3 = (function(){ var config = { name : 'FriendFinder Networks; IM Chat Banner 3', version : '1.0', description : 'Displays a floating IM chat banner in viewport', srcName : 'js_im_box_v3', url : '', email : '', banners_domain : '', domain : '', domain_cobrand : '', domain_graphics : '', domain_graphics_url : '', domain_content : '', domain_js : '', domain_secure : '', href : '', site : 'ffadult', sitename : "AdultFriendFinder", dcb : '', lang : 'english', charset : 'UTF-8', gpid : 'g810616', pid : 'g810616-pct.subporno_chat', hostpid : '', tpa_mpa3_nats : '', testBed : '0', madirect : '', geo : { city : 'Columbus', state : '', country : 'United States', ip : '' }, banner : { cookieName : 'FFN_im_box_v3_g810616-pct.subporno_chat', creativeTracking : 'im_box_v3', url_qs : { freqCap : '', delay : '2', ad : 'r', size : '250x250', alignment : '', marginT : '' || '', marginB : '', page : 'search', land : '', filterShowSex : '', audio : '1', useRude : '', showLogo : '0', logoPath : '', logoGlowSize : '', clr : { titleBg : '' || '#CC0000', titleTxt : '' || '#FFFFFF', handleTxt : '', chatTxt : '', logoGlow : '' } }, dt : { btnClose : 'Click here to close.', btnSend : 'Send', userInput : 'Type Message Here', content : [ { id : '008', handle : 'sazx3', chat : 'I\'m bored|wanna chat?|I\'m on {JS_site} now|Hit send & let\'s connect!|I\'m in {JS_city}|where r u?', chatRude : 'Hey loser|Jacking it to porn again?|Why don\'t you find some real pussy|There\'s tons of horny hotties on {JS_site}|Hey fucker|I\'m talking to you!' }, { id : '015', handle : '1plus1', chat : 'today is kinda boring|let\'s chat!|I\'m on {JS_site}|just hit send to connect!|I\'m in {JS_city}, u?|I\'m waiting...|Hurry up!', chatRude : 'Hey loser|Quit wanking off to porn|And find some real pussy||Especially in {JS_city}|U wanna get laid or not?' }, { id : '016', handle : 'cy45', chat : 'I\'m so lonely...|Wanna be my chat buddy?|on {JS_site}?|Just hit send & let\'s connect!|I\'m in {JS_city}|Where r u?|I\'m waiting, hurry!', chatRude : 'Jackin it to porn AGAIN?|for the 100th time this week?|Get off ur ass & find some REAL pussy|Tons of horny hotties are on {JS_site} right now' }, { id : '021', handle : 'wayfun', chat : 'I\'m bored & horny|Wanna have sum fun?', chatRude : 'I see u with the lotion over there|U sorry ass bastard' }, { id : '100', handle : 'me2u', chat : 'I\'m horny|lets chat|hello?', chatRude : 'Wanna stick ur dick in sumthing|Other than a tube sock?|Find horny hotties on {JS_site}' }, { id : '101', handle : '1hotE', chat : 'hi =)|wanna chat?|r u in {JS_city}?', chatRude : 'Hey loser|Sorry to interrupt ur afternoon|Of video games & porn' }, { id : '102', handle : '1694U', chat : 'hi!|ur cute|wanna chat?', chatRude : 'Quit spanking ur monkey|U fucking loser|And get some real pussy' }, { id : '103', handle : 'sexE1', chat : 'i\'m bored|wanna chat?|hello?', chatRude : 'Dude|Give ur fucking hand a rest|And find a chick to fuck' }, { id : '104', handle : '28me', chat : 'mmm|ur cute|wanna play?', chatRude : 'Hey fuckface|Guess what|I\'m the pussy fairy' }, { id : '105', handle : 'IsexU', chat : 'hey u|whatcha doin?|lets chat|hello?', chatRude : 'U should stop jerkin it|And get on {JS_site}|Find sum real pussy to fuck|I dare you!' }, { id : '106', handle : '4uckG', chat : 'ur in {JS_city}?|me 2!', chatRude : 'Jackin it to porn is 4 pussies|Get on {JS_site}' }, { id : '107', handle : 'ICU2', chat : 'hi!|lets have sum fun!', chatRude : 'Hey dickwad|U afraid of girls?' } ], size_150x125 : { title : 'Chat from {JS_city}' }, size_200x200 : { title : 'Live Chat From {JS_city}' }, size_250x250 : { title : 'Live Chat From {JS_city}' } } } }; if(config.testBed === '1'){ config.domain_js = config.href; } config.jsFiles = [ config.domain_js + '/javascript//secure/ffadult-im_box_v3-1454383128.js' ]; return { config : config }; }()); FFN.MC.banners.fn.js(FFN.MC.banners.im_banner_3.config.jsFiles, FFN.MC.banners.im_banner_3.config.charset);